The Poppy Protocol


Step By Step

  1. Check the person for signs of an opioid overdose, such as shallow breathing, unresponsiveness, blue lips or nails, and tiny pupils.
  2. Call 911 immediately. Time is critical in an overdose situation, and medical attention may be necessary.
  3. Administer Narcan. Narcan is available in several forms, including a nasal spray, injectable, and auto-injectable device. The following instructions will apply to the nasal spray form:
    1. Remove the Narcan nasal spray from the packaging.
    2. Hold the device with your thumb on the bottom of the plunger and two fingers on the nozzle.
    3. Insert the nozzle into one nostril of the person.
    4. Press down firmly on the plunger to release the medication into the nostril.
    5. Repeat the process with the other nostril if necessary.
  4. Monitor the person's breathing and level of responsiveness. If the person does not start breathing on their own or regain consciousness, administer another dose of Narcan after two to three minutes.
  5. Stay with the person until medical help arrives. Continue to monitor their breathing and keep them calm and comfortable.
  6. Dispose of the Narcan nasal spray properly. Follow the instructions on the packaging or check with your local pharmacy or healthcare provider for guidance on how to dispose of unused Narcan.

Where to find Narcan:

What Narcan Works On: